Research and innovation thematic track
The research and innovation thematic track (track RI) is a track over the license and master degrees at the University of Rennes 1, co-managed with the ENS Rennes.
The pedagogical approach followed through this track focuses on learning how to make research: group work, seminars, self teaching through readings, central place given to projects going along with reports and defenses, training dedicated to presentations, visits of research facilities.
The track takes place over three years and each one is validated through the acquisition of a national diploma: the license of computer science the first year (L3), the master of computer science the second (M1) and third years (M2). This program constitutes a major training in theoretical computer science and offers several optional, complementary courses in mathematics and physics.
The pedagogical approach followed through this track focuses on learning how to make research: group work, seminars, self teaching through readings, central place given to projects going along with reports and defenses, training dedicated to presentations, visits of research facilities.
The track takes place over three years and each one is validated through the acquisition of a national diploma: the license of computer science the first year (L3), the master of computer science the second (M1) and third years (M2). This program constitutes a major training in theoretical computer science and offers several optional, complementary courses in mathematics and physics.
1st year (L3 Level) :
The content of the first year builds up a solid foundation in theoretical computer science (algorithmic, logic and computability, programming, architecture of systems) as well as an introduction to research.
The detailed content of these first year classes are available here (in French) :
First semester(mandatory courses)
(optional courses)
| Second semester(mandatory courses)
(optional courses)
Second year (M1 level):
First semester(mandatory courses)
(optionnal courses)
| Second semester(mandatory courses)
(optionnal courses)
Third year (M2 level)
The content of the Research and Innovation track at level Master 2 is the second year of the Research in Computer Science Master (MRI) from the University of Rennes 1 (ISTIC / ENS Rennes).
Mise à jour le 22 décembre 2014