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Pattern mining: a (biased) perspective

le 8 décembre 2021

Intervention de Alexandre Termier, chercheur dans l'équipe LACODAM de l'IRISA et Inria Rennes, dans le cadre des séminaires du département Informatique.


Titre: Pattern mining: a (biased) perspective
Pattern Mining is the field of Data Mining concerned with discovery of regularities, mostly in symbolic data.
It has seen numerous uses as well in industrial problems (ex: retail) as in scientific endeavors (ex: biology, chemistry).
In this talk, I will show how the field has evolved from solving challenging algorithmic problems, to solving algorithmic AND optimization problems.
The main technical challenge being to cope larger and larger search spaces.
I'll also briefly touch upon the difficulty to evaluate approaches that have no real ground truth to be tested against.

Recherche - Valorisation

Mise à jour le 8 décembre 2021